- CENELEC: European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
- CIGRE: International Council on Large Electric Systems
- The European Commission – Public Health
- IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer
Lists of agents, mixtures or exposures classified as to their carcinogenic risk to humans by IARC : http://monographs.iarc.fr/ENG/Classification/index.php - ICNIRP: International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
- IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission
- IRPA: International Radiation Protection Association
- Greenfacts.org: Facts on Health and the Environment
- URSI: Union radio-scientifique internationale
(pour la Belgique: http://www.ursi.be) - WHO EMF Project: World Health Organization International EMF Project
Organisations internationales
Organisations ou institutions belges
- BEC: Belgian Electrotechnical Committee
- Superior Health Council
- Belgian National Comittee Cigre: International Council on Large Electric Systems
- VMM: Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij
(See MIRA research reports on environment)
Autres organisations nationales
- ARPANSA: Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
- NIH: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
- Federal Office of Public Health (Swiss)
- SAGE : Stakeholer Advisory Group on EMF ELF (UK). Participatory decision making, strategy development, facilitation & mediation.
- The Health Council of the Netherlands: An independent scientific advisory body
Associations scientifiques et groupes de recherches
- Arimmora: Advanced Research on Interaction Mechanisms of electroMagnetic exposures with Organisms for Risk Assessment
- BEMS: Bioelectromagnetics Society
- EBEA: European Bio Electromagnetics Association
- FEMU: Forschungszentrum für Elektro-Magnetische Umweltverträglichkeit (Research Center for Bioelectromagnetic Interaction)
See also EMF-Portal, the FEMU web-based information platform regarding the effects of electromagnetic fields on humans and on interaction with biological systems or body aids - FGF: The Research Association for Radio Applications (supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and the Swiss Federal Office of Communications)
- IEEE: the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
- INRS: Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité
- Power Lines and Cancer FAQs by John Moulder, Professor of Radiation Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin, U.S.A. (Last complete update: 11-Jul-2005)
(http://www.mcw.edu/radiationoncology/ourdepartment/radiationbiology/Power-Lines-and-Cancer-FAQs.htm) - The Science Forum EMF
Compagnies électriques
- ELIA: Gestionnaire du transport de l’électricité en Belgique
- RTE: Réseau de transport d’électricité
- HydroQuébec: Génération, transport, distribution
- National Grid: Electricity transmission company in England and Wales and in the USA (Massachusetts, New York and Rhode Island)
- EMFs.info: a guide to debate on electric and magnetic fields and health
Compatibilité électromagnétique
- ULg ACE : The Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory (EMC)
Pour d’autres informations, contacter l’équipe ACE. - Commission européenne
BMBS COST Action BM1309: European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF-MED)
- Cost Action 281: Potential Health Implications from Mobile Communication Systems
- NIOSH Fact Sheet: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health – EMFs in the Workplace