Website aims

Electricity contributes significantly to improvement of the quality of life and has been an essential ally of industrial, technological, economic and medical development over the last decades. Nonetheless, the public has expressed fears with regard to their exposure to electric and magnetic fields generated by AC current.

This site pursues three goals :

  • To present the research activities of the Belgian experts in the Belgian BioElectroMagnetics Group (BBEMG);
  • To support a better understanding of the electromagnetic fields and their possible effects on health;
  • To propose a quality educational and documentation tool that integrates the required references for studying the characteristics of 50 Hz electric and magnetic fields.

Site limits

For the past 30 years, much research on the health effects of electromagnetic fields has been carried out, but results are often contradictory or difficult to reproduce. At present, physicists and other scientists cannot conclusively demonstrate the existence or absence of health risks, but instead agree to say that such risks, if they exist, are weak and difficult to detect (WHO, 1999).

This site’s creators wish to present open, detailed information on this subject, even though such information provides no clear- cut answers with regard to health risks. Some sections of this site are addressed specifically to scientists but are also being made available to a public desiring detailed information.

Public targeted

Information available on the BBEMG website is intended to meet the concerns of the general public and to propose answers to questions of specialists (e.g. scientists, physicians, public officials).

Quality requirements

BBEMG experts and its scientific adviser have checked the contents of this site thoroughly. To guarantee scientific quality, these experts have taken particular care to propose objective, current and comprehensible information suitable for a large audience.


En 1997, la Belgique consacrait 0,6% de son PIB à la recherche, tandis que la moyenne européenne était de 0,8%. Des sources de financement alternatives sont par conséquent indispensables pour assurer la qualité et le développement de la recherche belge. Les compagnies d’électricité manifestent un intérêt particulier pour les études consacrées aux effets des champs électriques et magnétiques sur la santé. Dans plusieurs pays (ex: Etats-Unis, Canada, Grande-Bretagne et France), l’industrie électrique contribue depuis de nombreuses années au financement des programmes de recherche.

En l’absence de source publique de financement, le Belgian BioElectroMagnetics Group a établi une convention avec un partenaire privé, Elia. Les différents termes de la convention liant le partenaire aux scientifiques garantissent à ces derniers des conditions de travail, du publications et de communication en toute indépendance (Lire plus…).

Persons in charge of the site and collaborations

Academic :

Professeur Catherine Bouland, PhD
Président du BBEMG

ULB – Ecole de santé publique
Route de Lennik 808 – CP591
B-1070 Bruxelles
Tél : +32(0)2 555 40 20/27
Fax : +32(0)2 555 40 49

Scientific coordination of the site:

Eva De Clercq, PhD
Coordinatrice du BBEMG

Rue Juliette Wytsman 14
B-1050 Bruxelles
Tél : 32 (0)2 642 54 39
Fax : 32 (0)2 642 52 24

Fonction : Rédaction et adaptation des contenus.

Technical maintenance and development:

Seppe Segers
Rue Juliette Wytsman 14
B-1050 Bruxelles


Maryse Ledent
Rue Juliette Wytsman 14
B-1050 Bruxelles
Tél : 32 (0)2 642 54 36
Fax : 32 (0)2 642 52 24

Fonction : Maintenance technique, rédaction des contenus et coordination entre les partenaires impliqués dans le projet.

Scientific adviser:

Docteur L. Quaeghebeur

Function: Validating the scientific quality of the contents.

Design of the website and logo:

Christelle Roussel


Olivier Ladsous

Initial coordination & website design:

Marion Crasson, PhD (Scientific coordinator of the site until January 2010)
University of Liège Psychoneuroendocrinology unit

Olivier Flock (Technical adviser until 2008)

Patricia Duquesne (Project coordinator from May 2000 to May 2002)
University of Liège Psychoneuroendocrinology unit

Professeur Dieudonné Leclercq (Development of the site until 2001)
University of Liège Faculty of Psychology and of Sciences of Education, Labset
