EMF exposure modelling (HV network): Reports and publications

Activity reports


Pr., Dr., Ir., PI. C. Geuzaine, Ir. V. Beauvois,  J. Arban

During 2023, the ACE group produced a new prototype of a 50 Hz magnetic probe. Laboratory measurements have shown that the prototype performs very well, with only a small relative difference (< 10%) compared to a calibrated probe, for fields between 0.1 uT and 6 uT. Next year’s objective will be to produce a full-featured “version 1” of the probe, with a cost target of around 100 euros per probe.


Pr., Dr., Ir., PI. C. Geuzaine, Ir. V. Beauvois, Dr., Ing. M. Spirlet

During the previous phase of the BBEMG project, the ACE group from the University of Liège has developed a software application to evaluate low frequency electromagnetic fields near common ELF sources, near powerlines and underground cables. In the new phase of the BBEMG project that started in 2018, the ACE group is diversifying its research by considering both numerical simulation and experimental measurements of ELF exposure. In 2022 ACE has focused on two activities: the design of a wideband electromagnetic field exposure probe and the development of a new efficient solver library targeting HF/RF electromagnetic simulations.

Past activity reports


Pr., Dr., Ir., PI. C. Geuzaine, Ir. V. Beauvois, Dr., Ing. M. Spirlet

During the previous phase of the BBEMG project, the ACE group from the University of Liège has developed a software application to evaluate low frequency electromagnetic fields near common ELF sources, near power lines and underground cables. In the new phase of the BBEMG project that started in 2018, the ACE group is diversifying its research by considering both numerical simulation and experimental measurements of ELF exposure. In 2021 ACE has focused on one main activity: the design of a wideband electromagnetic field exposure probe.
