De ziekte van Alzheimer: Aanvullende informatie en wetenschappelijke referenties

Enkele recente epidemiologische studies legden een verband tussen ELF blootstelling en een verhoogd risico op de ziekte van Alzheimer. Dit verband is nog niet aangetoond maar wetenschappers proberen het fenomeen te begrijpen (zie bijvoorbeeld BBEMG-project Ziekte van Alzheimer)

Hierna volgt een niet-volledige lijst van referenties met links naar samenvattingen van deze studies (op PubMed en EMF-portal).

Residentiële blootstelling

Can cytogenetics explain the possible association between exposure to extreme low-frequency magnetic fields and Alzheimer’s disease?
Maes A, Verschaeve L.  J Appl Toxicol. 2012 Feb;32(2):81-7.

Residence near power lines and mortality from neurodegenerative diseases: longitudinal study of the Swiss population.
Huss A, Spoerri A, Egger M, Röösli M; Swiss National Cohort Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2009 Jan 15;169(2):167-75. Epub 2008 Nov 5.

Risk factors for Alzheimer disease: a population-based case-control study in Istanbul, Turkey.
Harmanci H, Emre M, Gurvit H, Bilgic B, Hanagasi H, Gurol E, Sahin H, Tinaz S. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2003 Jul-Sep;17(3):139-45.

Beroepsmatige blootstelling

Occupational exposure to low frequency magnetic fields and dementia: a case-control study.
Seidler A, Geller P, Nienhaus A, Bernhardt T, Ruppe I, Eggert S, Hietanen M, Kauppinen T, Frölich L. Occup Environ Med. 2007 Feb;64(2):108-14. Epub 2006 Oct 16.

A case-control study of occupational magnetic field exposure and Alzheimer’s disease: results from the California Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Centers.
Davanipour Z, Tseng CC, Lee PJ, Sobel E. BMC Neurol. 2007 Jun 9;7:13.

Occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields and risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
Qiu C, Fratiglioni L, Karp A, Winblad B, Bellander T. Epidemiology. 2004 Nov;15(6):687-94.

Neurodegenerative diseases in welders and other workers exposed to high levels of magnetic fields.
Håkansson N, Gustavsson P, Johansen C, Floderus B. Epidemiology. 2003 Jul;14(4):420-6; discussion 427-8.

Occupational magnetic field exposure and neurodegenerative disease.
Feychting M, Jonsson F, Pedersen NL, Ahlbom A. Epidemiology. 2003 Jul;14(4):413-9; discussion 427-8.

Occupational exposure to extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields and Alzheimer disease: a meta-analysis.
Garcia AM, Sisternas A, Hoyos S P. Int. J. Epidemiol. 2008 37:329-340.

Epidemiological research on extremely low frequency magnetic fields and Alzheimer’s disease–biased or informative?
Commentary: Roosli M. Int. J. Epidemiol. 2008 37:341-343.

Long-term exposure to magnetic fields and the risks of Alzheimer’s disease and breast cancer: Further biological research.
Davanipour Z, Sobel E. Pathophysiology. 2009 16:149-156.

Future needs of occupational epidemiology of extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields: review and recommendations.
Kheifets L, Bowman J D, Checkoway H, Feychting M, Harrington J M, Kavet R, Marsh G, Mezei G, Renew D C, van W E. Occup. Environ. Med. 2009 66:72-80.

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